Saturday, June 8, 2013

Playing House

"Within minutes, the suit was completely zipped up to his neck, an undetectable layer of synthflesh concealing the zipper from prying eyes...The face he wore now, an exact replica of Mrs. Gilardoni’s attractive features, completed his disguise."

Transcript: Subduing Mrs. Gilardoni had taken longer than expected, which meant that Spectre would have less time to complete the transformation process than he had expected, but he would make do. Quickly unwrapping the bodysuit from its secure storage container, Spectre began to roll the sophisticated suit up his legs, as one might with an expensive pair of stockings, to ensure optimum presentation. Within minutes, the suit was completely zipped up to his neck, an undetectable layer of synthflesh concealing the zipper from prying eyes.

He knew, at the moment, that he must have been a strange sight. Like a Minotaur, his head and his body seemed to be of two completely different creatures. From the neck up, he possessed the countenance of an experienced man, but from the neck down, he had been endowed with the body of a beautiful young woman, capable of inspiring the envy of Aphrodite herself.

Removing the expertly crafted mask and its attached tresses from its protective case, Spectre delicately stretched the masterpiece over his head and secured the seal at the neck, joining the mask with the bodysuit. The face he wore now, an exact replica of Mrs. Gilardoni’s attractive features, completed his disguise. Even the wavy golden-brown mane and ocean blue eyes were exact color matches. He then sat himself down in front of Mrs. Gilardoni’s vanity and used her makeup and sprayed himself with her perfume to enhance his authenticity. Smelling like her in addition to looking like her would make his ruse that much more believable.

The lingerie he had stripped from Mrs. Gilardoni’s now naked body was a perfect fit, as it should be. He was her now after all. Spectre took advantage of the large mirror in the room to examine his appearance. He was extremely pleased with the results As far as the world could tell, he was Mrs. Gilardoni, and no one, not even ‘her’ husband, would suspect a thing. Even his voice and demeanor would not give him away, as he had studied the tone and inflection of her voice, her habits, and even her tiniest mannerisms until he could imitate them impeccably. He knew every important detail there was to know about her and then some. Had he needed to, he could’ve impersonated her indefinitely, but he doubted his mission would take that long.

But until then, Spectre would play the role of a devoted and subservient housewife, beginning by heading to the kitchen and putting on an apron. Mr. Gilardoni was due to arrive home in half an hour and he would be expecting his wife to have dinner on the table. It was only one of the many wifely duties he would be expected to fulfill…


  1. I love these Spectre caps! That Mr. G is one lucky man to have a wife like that!! What did he do that the Spectre had to take over the role of his wife?

    1. Hehe, thanks Elise! I thought that I would leave what Mr. Gilardoni did up to the reader...malicious or necessary? What do you think happened?

  2. Does anyone know the name of the model in the picture?


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