Friday, July 19, 2013

Foxy Trap

Transcript: Thomas grinned as he made the final adjustments to the sleek black garter belt he was wearing. It was the last piece of the seductive lingerie set he had selected. Thomas didn’t need to look to know how beautiful he appeared now; he felt beautiful. The soft forbidden touch of sheer silk, the luscious honey-colored waves of his wig against freshly shaven skin, and the intoxicating fragrance of his sister’s perfume, it all felt entirely electrifying. 

From his head to his freshly painted toes, there was no trace of the boy that he physically was. All incriminating evidence lay hidden beneath a painstakingly crafted web of feminine illusion, created through the clever use of makeup, shapewear, and a few utterly undetectable prosthetic pieces. His figure was composed of more high-grade silicone than he cared to admit, but that was a secret that no one else would ever have reason to suspect. His smooth flat front would give away nothing. His tight thong, which was in fact a stylishly disguised gaff, would ensure that his tuck stayed in place, effectively concealing the truth. 

The only thing left to do was to slip into a little black dress before ‘she’ headed out to the club and then watch as the hordes of men trampled over one another to race to ‘her’ side, eager satisfy her every whim. Friday nights were simply much better spent when Thomas let Kayla out to play. 


  1. It's that moment in time we all yearn for. You captured it so well. Fantastic job.

    1. Thank you! This was very much a spur of the moment cap for me!

  2. I can't think of a better way to spend Friday nights!

    1. Neither can I! We should do this sometime together!

  3. An exquisite cap as usual Kendall, I really like how you describe the transformation process; it really adds depth to the caption!


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