Thursday, November 14, 2013

Where's Kendall?! (Not a Caption)

This is not a caption post.

I just wanted to give anyone who read my blog regularly in the past an update and explanation as to why I haven't posted in so long. To put it simply, I've been busy. Nothing bad has happened, I've just been really busy. The second half of summer, I traveled a lot for various reasons and when I finally settled back down in my apartment again, it was time to start school.

I've been involved in many activities and I'm enjoying myself. Sometimes I miss captioning, but most times, I'm just too busy to think about it.

So does this mean I'm not going to caption any more? No, it just means I'll be extremely sporadic in my posts and potentially dormant for a long while. I actually do have several ideas in my head, so I'm not out of stories, I just haven't had the time to put them to paper (or ASCII as it were). Perhaps you'll see a short caption from me soon, or perhaps not. It all depends on my schedule.

Anyways, just wanted to let all who cared know that I'm doing alright and I'm not dead...yet!

Thanks for reading,

