Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Masquerade: Playing with Fire (for Caitlyn)

You never know who's behind the mask...

If you're familiar with Caitlyn's work, then you will understand what I mean when I say that I immediately thought of her when I saw this GIF. It was originally supposed to be short, but I started writing and well...yeah. Enjoy!

Transcript: Calvin tried to ignore the panic that threatened to overwhelm him as the flitter of recognition ignited a sudden inferno of dreadful realization. Time, chance, space—statistically this should be impossible. Calvin had only chosen to attend the Masquerade Ball as en femme Caitlyn because it was in a place where no one he knew should’ve been, yet somehow the stars and fates had aligned to reveal that the smooth, handsome gentlemen with whom Caitlyn had been so enchanted all evening and was already taking to cloud nine was Jack, the senior manager at her work!

She’d though him familiar from the start, but had attributed it to his slick charm and it was only as he removed his mask in the privacy of a back room that Caitlyn realized who he truly was. Caitlyn hoped with all her might that Jack would fail to make the connection that she just had and breathed a silent sigh of relief that she’d chosen to wear her iris-color altering deep blue contact lenses for the evening. Still, Caitlyn was acutely aware of the tug on her wig as Jack’s strong hands gripped her ‘hair’. It was glued down and secured with clips at multiple points, but Caitlyn wasn’t about to discount Murphy’s Law. It was already working on her carefully taped tuck.

Caitlyn redoubled her efforts to bring her starcrossed lover to climax, utilizing every tip and technique she’d ever read in Cosmo and practiced on her hidden dildo at home as she did her best to mimic the lustful starlets she’d often seen on screen. It worked. Within a few minutes, Caitlyn could feel a few drops of Jack’s warm sticky seed seeping out of the corners of her mouth. The rest had made it down the back of her throat in a single gulp. Quickly wiping away the evidence and gathering her things, Caitlyn dashed out from the ball like Cinderella despite her Prince’s pleas for at least a phone number, but she had already disappeared into the night.

Two weeks later, Calvin couldn’t help but smirk from his cubicle as Jack boisterously told the story, for the umpteenth time to anyone who would listen, of the bewitching vixen that had given him the best blowjob of his life in the backrooms of a masquerade ball, but then slipped out of his grasp before he could chase her down. She would always be the one that got away Calvin overheard him claim. If only Jack knew just how close she really was…


  1. so much to play with here. The thrill of discovery, the power of giving pleasure. The danger of feminine illusion! I think what stuck out most were those tiny details that flavor the story. Gives some weight so the story.. . . a little color to sweeten the pot. I also enjoyed the ending. You could have gone the normal caught route but I think I quite like that it's one great secret she'll always have.

    1. Thank you! I learned from the best (you)! As for the ending, I actually wasn't precisely sure what I was going to do from the start, I'd had a general idea of what I wanted for the bulk of the story, which is Caitlyn's thoughts as she's on her knees, but the ending just came to me naturally as I wrote the story and I also think it would be great fun to have such a naughty secret! Especially when she keeps hearing about it from the totally clueless and unsuspecting Jack!

    2. That ending really adds a lot to the story. No matter how you read the cap, it makes it a continual never ending coda. If you read this as reluctant, then I can picture it as a constantly returning blush and humiliating memory. If you read this as willing, then I can picture it as a constantly returning smile and squirmy memory. Either way.... Bravo!

  2. Whoa! Is it hot in here or is it just me? VERY sexy cap Kendall. I have to agree with Simone on this one as you included so many tasty details that this will be worth reading over and over and over again! I really like how the quick hitting animation seems to enhance the frenetic pace of her thoughts.


    1. Thank you Caitlyn! I'm very glad you enjoyed it! Goal achieved! As for the animation, I'm glad you liked how the pace mirrored the story. That was actually completely unintentional (shhh! don't tell! I really am just an artistic genius!). I'd actually even considered slowing it down (this is the original speed), but I'm glad it worked out to have a positive effect!

  3. Count me as another person who absolutely loved this one! I love that Caitlyn decided to go through with it, even with the risk. So naughty, so arousing! I wonder if she'll make a reappearance once Calvin leaves the company...

    1. Who says she'll wait until then? Who knows! :P


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