Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Secretaries and Schemes

Transcript: “There—perfect,” Minnie declared as she made the final adjustments to Mary’s sheer, sexy panties. “Damn, that ass is fine!”

Mary giggled and playfully wiggled her curvy tight bottom. “As is yours!”

It was true. Their temptatious backsides were equally luscious thanks to the identical synthskin bodysuits they both wore. In truth, Minnie and Mary aliases created by two extremely sly male con men, though nothing in their physical appearance would ever reveal them. With the help of their miraculously realistic bodysuits, both ‘girls’ possessed voluptuous goddess-like figures that could be mistaken for nothing but feminine: two perfectly hemispherical mounds on top and a seductive smooth flat front below. Their lifelike masks were equally as convincing, and the seams carefully hidden with an undetectable concealer.

Today was to be Mary’s first day as Mr. Vanning’s secretary and the pair had chosen the sheer panties to help make a lasting first impression. Minnie had quickly identified Mr. Vanning as the perfect mark after a few weeks working at the firm. Overworked, middle aged, and unhappily married, Mr. Vanning was just their type—lonely and with deep pockets. And Mary was just Mr. Vanning’s type too.

Figuring that out hadn’t been difficult. A quick study of Mr. Vanning’s browsing history had revealed all they needed to know. Mary, a shapely honeyed brunette with just the right touch of sensuality and grace, was the perfect emobdiment of irresistable temptation. Once in the office, a few “accidental” glimpses of Mary’s naughty attire beneath her proper pretense was sure to ignite the flame. Then, teasing him unrelentingly while still feigning innocence, Mary would “resist” Mr. Vanning’s before “succumbing” to their mutual desire. Thus would begin their affair and Mary would expertly milk Mr. Vanning for every penny he was worth, as she subtly manipulated him to shower her with lavish and expensive gifts. Then after Mary had sucked Mr. Vanning dry, the scheming duo would squeeze out one last drop. Giving a sobbing performance worthy of an Oscar, Mary would tearfully show Mr. Vanning the incriminating photos of their affair that had been “mailed” to her and the note demanding the outrageous sum of hush money. The affair would also end then, Mary expertly manipulating Mr. Vanning to call an end to it.

Then careful to hide her smile behind a stream of waterworks, Mary would storm away and do exactly what Mr. Vanning requested, disappear. Mary and Minnie would be long gone by the time Mr. Vanning realized the blackmailer didn’t exist, having flown first class to an island in the South Pacific. At least, that’s the rumor the newly hired redheaded twins working for Mr. Grevers in Human Resources would tell you...


  1. You make me want to live in your caption stories, honey. Especially in heels. I love caper situations and you painted an ideal one. Also, your plan is very well thought out - everything just so. Of course I wonder if either new girl will enjoy being enfemme too much to go back to their old male lives.


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