Monday, August 3, 2015

Table for Two (for Simone)

“Damn it Simone, you’re a naughty minx. Not wearing any panties tonight, you knew we were going to a classy joint too!” Evan’s tone was only appreciatively accusatory as he eyed Simone’s body ravenously. “I never would’ve suspected though, even as tight as your Dior dress is, and I know how big you are.”

Simone smiled coyly. “Discipline,” Simone explained, though she could definitely feel her concealed girlie-cock beginning to stir as Evan’s fingers danced lower and lower down her exposed back.

“Do you know what you do to me, Simone?” Evan asked as he pulled her close. “We went to Melisse and I couldn’t even think about dinner! That bottle of 1919 Vouvray Moëlleux, ‘Le Haut Lieu’, G. Huet was $1150, but all I wanted to taste was you. The way you sat across the table like a proper lady, but secretly used your smooth pedicured feet to rub my thigh drove me crazy.”

Simone knew exactly what she could do and had done to Evan—and she loved it. The two had barely made it back to their luxe Beverly Hills Hotel room without incident. There was just something terribly delightful about watching Evan trying to restrain himself, with no help from her of course. She had even laced her perfume with powerful female sex pheromones to really send Evan’s virile libido into overdrive. Evan leaned in, lustful for a kiss, but Simone stopped him, holding his parted lips in place as she grabbed her signature cherry flavored lipstick and gave his lips a fresh coat. “I want you to have the taste of my lips on yours without actually having kissed me. Maybe if you're good, I'll give you what you want later.”

“Anyways,” Simone continued, “what I can’t believe is that you pretended to drop your fork just so you could sneak underneath the tablecloth and start toying with my girlie-cock! I had to confirm your complicated order to waiter with a straight face while you were sucking me off!”

Evan’s face formed into a devilish grin, “That was fun. I just couldn’t help but steal a taste before the appetizers.”

His fingers danced along the back of Simone’s spine like a wave, while his deep magnetic gaze made Simone feel like a beautiful desired woman. Simone might’ve been the one driving Evan crazy earlier, but now Evan was proving that he could also do the same. Composing loving caresses with rough passion, Evan was playing her body expertly like a rich symphony.

“You are absolutely gorgeous.” Evan’s tone was completely genuine. His hands lingered as he found Simone’s youthful and full breasts. “These are new, an upgrade?”

“You noticed.” Simone replied, pleased. Short of growing her own, the custom made prosthetic forms were the most realistic forms available. Even without concealer, the edges of the self-adhesive forms were impossible to detect. People could get up close and personal, even touch and fondle them, and no one would ever suspect she hadn’t been born without them.

The forms were also highly advanced, capable of detecting touch and then transmitting pleasurable pulses to the thousands of tiny electrodes attached to Simone’s skin. The nipples were especially sensitive, and Simone shivered and moaned as Evan gently traced small circles around her exposed breast. Simone relished in the pleasure for a few moments before remembering that she also had something else to show Evan. 

“Do you know what else is new?” Simone asked coquettishly, looking up at Evan through a forest of lashes. Simone's gown slid gracefully over her luxurious hips and down to the floor, revealing a perfectly shaved and inviting pussy. Simone drew satisfaction from Evan’s wide-eyed mystification. “It might be a faux prosthetic too, but it’s completely functional,” Simone whispered temptingly into Evan's ear. “I put it on before dessert. You know when that cute redheaded waitress came by to flirt with you while I was in the bathroom? That was Kendall; she’s one of mine. I told her to keep you occupied. She was a little disappointed that you didn’t bite at her advances, but I knew you wouldn’t. You’re mine and I only share when I want to. Anyways, you got me so hot and bothered earlier that I had to get off in order to get this on.”

Fascination began to creep into Evan’s face as the revelation of what must’ve transpired dawned on him. “So you jerked yourself off in the prim and proper ladies room at Melisse? Kinky.”

“More or less, except Kendall came to visit and finish me off with her mouth—a little girl-girl time in the ladies room.” Simone grinned impishly. 

“Damn, I bet that’s never happened before at Melisse.”

Simone just shrugged and giggled. “Oh, and you know how you said the cream in the molten chocolate cake tasted fresh? Well it was; it was mine. Dear Kendall thought it would’ve been a shame to waste any of it, so she brought a champagne glass for me to fill, then had the contents basted into yours.”

“Oh? I knew it tasted familiarly delicious.” Evan replied without missing a beat, then paused as his fingers found their way inside of Simone’s artificially pre-lubricated hole. “So, how about seconds?”

“So greedy,” Simone teased as she first drew his gaze to her supple breasts and slender midriff, then turned around to present her luscious bottom, long legs, and full hips. “How would you like it served?”

“I have to choose?” 

“Not if you ask nicely,” Simone replied coyly. “You’re lucky you’re cute, but don’t think I’ll let you get your reward that easy. You’ll have to work for it.” 

“Don’t worry, I have all night.”

“So do I.”

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