Monday, September 24, 2012

The Perfect Seduction

This was an idea I'd had in my head for awhile, but never got around to writing. Last week, before I had to go away for a bit, I finished writing this, but didn't have enough time to put it into a design. I finally got around to doing that this morning and I'm quite pleased with the overall result. The style and layout of the caption is mostly inspired by Caitlyn of Caitlyn's Masks, a fantastic blog I frequent often (check her blog out if you haven't already!). For those of you that have seen Patriot Games, this scene may seem a bit familiar, as this cap was inspired by one of my favorite scenes from that film, with a TG twist of course.


  1. Spectre could have at least got the man off with her hand or mouth first.

    1. Hehe, I had considered that possibility, but I liked the "mean tease" aspect of not letting the man get any before killing him. I'll probably do another cap where the assassin does get 'her' target off first before whacking him though :)

  2. Excellent cap Kendall. The story had a nice twist to it that matched up with the photos very well. And the layout? Gorgeous!

    1. Thank you for your kind words! And I have you to thank as well for the layout inspiration! I always love how gorgeous your captions are and I'm going to try to do more in this style from now on :)

  3. Replies
    1. Hey there! Due to the very limited time I have, I'm afraid that's a no, but if you have a nifty idea you'd like to see me play with, feel free to share! Maybe it'll fire up my muse!


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