Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Looking Up (and a new idea!)

So I'm pretty excited for this and I hope all of you lovely readers will humor me with this. While I was writing this cap, this idea suddenly struck me. I would write the beginnings of a cap which would also be capable of working as a stand alone, but it would be left on a sort of edge so that you could finish it! So that's exactly what I did! I've also written my own ending to this story as well, which is below the first image, but I would love to see what you guys can come up! (click on "read more" to see my ending!)

You can leave a comment with your ending or email me at if your submission is too long. I'm looking forward to see what you guys come up with!

Finish this story! Post a comment or email me!
 Want to see my ending? Click on "read more"!

And here is my ending. I have to give Sammie over at Rachel's Haven credit for the idea. She often comes up with these lovely captions involving an accepting guy and I like sweet endings so this is the one I came up with! The faded slightly black and white background image was also inspired by the style of her caps. If you haven't taken a look at her work yet, I encourage you to do so soon! She's done some great caps! You can find her gallery over at Rachel's Haven here. If you're not already a member of Rachel's Haven, you'll have to register and meet the minimum requirements for gallery access in order to view the caps in her gallery, but I'd totally encourage you to do so, it's totally worth it!

Also, if you're a keen reader of my captions, you might notice something a little different in this one! Found it yet? If you said the use of the name Van-Morgan then you are correct! I've gone through a number of monikers over the years and previously I've signed my caps (if I did) as Kendall Englehardt. Recently however, Mistress Simone, whom I met at Rachel's Haven made for me a lovely cap in which she used the name Kendall Van-Morgan. Something about that name just felt right and as such, I've taken it up as my own. Mistress Simone also has her own caption blog and if you haven't checked it out already, I'd definitely encourage you to check her out! Her stuff is pretty top notch! Click here to be taken to her blog.

So without further adieu, here is my ending to Looking Up:


  1. Sexy, awesome and clever! Love your ending too! Here's another possibility or one that could be added onto yours:[Hal decided to let Tom help Haley out of the tree. As Hal slid himself gingerly down the stock of the tree, Haley's panties got pulled up between her cheeks and her skirt got hiked up as it - like the panties - rubbed against the stock. Tom received Haley's hips between his strong hands and lifted her down. The 2 of them stared into each other's faces grinning brightly. They each started to laugh. They said in unison "What's so funny?" Tom whispered into Haley's ear "I was just going to say 'Nice view!' What were you thinking?" Hal got Haley to answer in her sweetest, softest, breathiest voice "You know when you were helping me slide my bottom down off the stock of that tree? I was thinking maybe you could help me slide my bottom down onto a nicer stock...if you have one for me..." Withoug waiting for Hal to think about it, Haley kissed Tom on the tip of his nose. After a pause, Tom responded by kissing Haley full on the mouth.]

    1. Great ending! Thanks for being the first person to finish add an alternate ending! You're awesome!

  2. Thanks! Mutual admiration, then! I'm sure we could each keep adding paragraphs, chapters and alternatives to the excellent foundation you started us with. I don't know whether or not you want to go further with this story but I'd love for you to do more "you finish the story" stories. It was a great idea!

    1. Thanks! I'll try for another soon then! I kind of stopped since the first one didn't really get much of a response, but I'll cook something up!

  3. Great! Looking forward to it! I just responded to a similar invitation that you extended to your readers back in September. The story was "Just Once". I really liked the gradual 180 degree change in that story!

  4. With no work at all, you two could turn this into a nice, steamy, romance for Amazon ebook readers! My sweetheart and I both, and together, write in this genre. .. we will place our work there shortly. I'd LOVE to see this as a complete story.

  5. I also have story ideas..... we could collaborate ... how do we trade emails


Leave me a comment and tell me what you think!