Monday, November 26, 2012

Two Caps!: Make Me Proud and Timid Adventures

So here's the skinny, as I was writing this story, I had two ideas in my head that both began the same, but ended differently. I decided to cap the same picture twice with the dialogues that I ended up writing and post  both! Let me know which one you like better!

Make Me Proud:

Timid Adventures:

Make Me Proud focuses more on the sissy element and Cindy, the transformed individual is portrayed as a pre-op transsexual that has undergone all other surgeries. There is no emphasis placed on passing as the male partner in the story knows about her "specialness". 

Timid Adventures on the other hand features a post-op transsexual who is trying out sex with a man for the first time and is worried that he might find out about who she used to be. 

Both captions feature an additional female figure, Claire, that provides guidance and encouragement for Cindy, though the manner in which this is done is slightly different. Make Me Proud portrays Claire as a sort of domineering mistress who may or may not forcibly transformed Cindy. Timid Adventures however portrays Claire in a more loving light and little is hinted at whether or not it was a willing transformation.

Transcripts for both of the caps above are given below as follows:

Make Me Proud:

There, there, don’t be scared Cindy.
But he’s so big…and handsome. I want him to like me Claire and I’m scared that he won’t. What if he doesn’t like me Claire?
Not like you? Nonsense! What’s there not to like? I’ve made you into the perfect buxom blonde bombshell, sculpted to perfection by the finest surgeons that money could buy, and after all that practice I’ve put you through, you’re practically a lovemaking expert, even if he is actually your first. A man would have to be a complete and utter lunatic not to be absolutely infatuated by a girl like you.
Even with the something special that I have hidden away?
Especially with that something special, Cindy. This fine young gentleman is in fact fifteen hundred dollars an hour infatuated by you. Now smile, Cindy, and go show the man just how much you’re worth. Make your mistress proud.

Timid Adventures:
There, there, don’t be scared Cindy.
But he’s so big…and handsome. I want him to like me Claire and I’m scared that he won’t. What if he doesn’t like me Claire?
Not like you? Nonsense! What’s there not to like? I’ve made you into the perfect buxom blonde bombshell, sculpted to perfection by the finest surgeons that money could buy, and after all that practice I’ve put you through, you’re practically a lovemaking expert, even if he is actually your first. A man would have to be a complete and utter lunatic not to be absolutely infatuated by a girl like you.
A girl like me? But won’t he figure out that I wasn’t always—
This beautiful? Every flower blossoms in her own time; you just needed a little extra help. No, he won’t know. With all the work that’s been done on you, no one could ever guess that you weren’t born a girl. As far as he’s concerned, we’re just a sexy lesbian couple spicing up our love life. He won’t ever know while he’s fucking you that you still had a sissy clit where your new pussy is just a few months ago. Ooh, I’m getting all wet just thinking about him fucking you senseless and by his huge bulge, so is he.
Hey! I’m starting to feel like a third wheel here with all that whispering going on over there. Why don’t you ladies put your lips to use where they’d be better appreciated.
Sure, baby. You ready Cindy? Let’s blow his mind. 

I'd love to hear your comments and thoughts on these caps! Which style did you prefer? Let me know in the comments below!

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