Saturday, February 23, 2013

Cosplay Con

Interestingly enough, the story for this was incredibly easy to write, it was actually the layout that consumed most of my time. I'm still not terribly happy with it, but it's the best I'm gonna get it I think. I originally started with just the one main picture on the side, but I felt that it was too plain so I tried to add the second one, but it seemed a bit cluttered so I tried to fix it a bit, but I'm not sure whether I really did or not. Regardless, I hope you enjoy it. Oh, and by the way, in case you didn't get it, the title is a bit of a pun, con referring to both convention and con artist ;)

Note: Caption has been edited, see post for more info

Everyone had laughed at him when he’d declared that he’d be dressing up as Mileena, his favorite character from Mortal Kombat, for the convention. It was an incredibly revealing costume and certainly not one that he could pull off they’d claimed, but he was determined to prove them wrong. Their disbelief only resolved him to create the most convincing costume conceivable and he spared no expense in acquiring the necessary components. 

When he met with his friends on the morning of, they almost could not recognize the busty, black-haired beauty sauntering towards them on a pair of neon pink, four inch, stiletto heels. No one could believe that it was actually him. The pink eye shadow above her alluring eyes perfectly complemented her long dark wig and the seams of her natural looking breast forms were cleverly hidden by her costume, but it was her seemingly impossible tuck that amazed them the most. Not a trace of her maleness remained. From head to toe, she looked every bit a girl and an absolutely gorgeous one at that. His friends could only continue gape as she sashayed confidently into the convention, drawing more than a few whistles for the playful wiggle in her walk. 

The gracious reception sent a flush of exhilaration tingling throughout her body, though it was most obvious in one area in particular. She flashed her admirers a fun flirty smile in return before quickly hurrying on. This was going to be the best time she’d had at a convention yet!

EDIT: So, it's rather amazing what a night of sleep will bring you to see in the caption that you just wrote last night. After reading my cap again this morning, I noticed some areas that I wasn't particularly happy with (mostly phrasing and awkward sentences), so I went back and redid some of those. I didn't change a whole lot, just a few minor tweaks here and there. The original is still posted blow however, in case you still want to see it (or in case you liked it better too!)


Everyone had laughed at him when he’d declared that he’d be dressing up as Mileena, his favorite character from Mortal Kombat, for the convention. It was an incredibly revealing costume and certainly not one that he could pull off they’d claimed, but he was determined to prove them wrong. He resolved to create the most convincing costume conceivable, sparing no expense in acquiring the necessary components.

When he met up with his friends the morning of the convention, they almost did not recognize the busty, black-haired beauty sauntering towards them on a pair of neon pink, four inch, stiletto heels. No one could believe that it was actually him. The pink eye shadow above her alluring eyes perfectly complemented her long dark wig and the seams of her natural looking breast forms were cleverly hidden by her costume, but it was her seemingly impossible tuck that amazed them the most. Not a trace of her maleness remained. From head to toe, she looked every bit a girl and an absolutely gorgeous girl at that. His friends could only continue gape as she sashayed confidently into the convention, drawing more than a few wolf whistles for the playful little wiggle in her walk.

A flush of exhilaration tingled throughout her body though it focused on one area in particular. She flashed her admirers a fun flirty smile in return before quickly hurrying on. This was going to be the best time she’d had at a convention yet!


  1. Oh how I would LOVE to be able to pull off something like this. Love it.

    1. Thanks! It certainly would make a convention that much more enjoyable wouldn't it? I think we best start working on our costumes right away :P


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