Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Scandalous Studies


Katie Jones might’ve been many things, rich, pretty, and popular, but book smart was not one of them. Despite her many pleas and protests, the administration had threatened to expel her from her prestigious private school if her GPA, which was far below the required level, did not improve. That was where I’d come in. It had been advertised as a fairly normal tutoring job, but that all fell apart once I’d learnt what Katie really wanted me to do. Convinced that much of the material was too difficult for her to master, she’d proposed that I take her tests for her, in her place. I’d vehemently refused. Even if it was possible for me to do so without getting caught, it was cheating and I wouldn’t allow myself to get involved in such a scandal. However, Katie I found could be quite persuasive.  

Nine days later, I was sitting at her desk, breezing through her chemistry exam. The life-like bodysuit I was wearing was an immaculate copy of Katie’s physical likeness, ensuring that no one would be able to tell that it was not really her. Although I’d spent much time in the suit over the last few days, practicing under Katie’s command, it was still startling to see a pair of breasts whenever I looked down or to have the attention of every red blooded male in the classroom. It was downright unnerving the way they looked at me sometimes! Still, I couldn’t say that it was all unpleasant. Being the hottest girl at the school had its perks and flirting with the boys was substantially more fun than listening to the teacher talk. I was actually finding that I was enjoying all the attention and I was beginning to understand why Katie had been doing so poorly in her academics.

My declining performance was inevitable. Soon, I was doing nearly just as bad as she was when she first sought me out. It was clear to me that the arrangement would be terminated if ‘her’ grades were insufficiently high, but the prospect of having to give up my pleasurable charade seemed unbearable. I needed another way to raise ‘my’ grades. It didn’t take long before the idea struck me. All of Katie’s teachers happened to be men…surely they would be unable to resist a gorgeous, young, blonde schoolgirl.

Four weeks later, semester report cards were mailed out. The final count for Katie Jones? Eight classes, eight scandalous sessions, and eight A’s. Comments on her report card included hard work ethic, willing attitude, and exceeding expectations. It was quite safe to say that everyone was rather pleased. I just couldn’t wait until the next semester started. 


  1. You have to use the charms you are given. . . . .

    1. Hehe, very true! Teacher's are always telling you to think outside the box and to use all the resources available to you...she's certainly done that here!

  2. This is a premise I'd like to see expanded sometime. It sounds like the narrator has gone from being Katie part-time to living her life on an extended (permanent?) basis.

    Makes me wonder where the Katie is hiding in the meantime and if indeed she is even alive. After all, every hive can have only one Queen Bee. — EvaGrubbFan

    1. Hmm, to be honest, I hadn't really given much thought to where the real Katie was hiding out. I suppose in the back of my mind I'd envisioned that she'd decided to go somewhere fun, like Vegas, Europe, or a tropical paradise, where she could relax, drink, and party all day and all night long!

      As for the narrator, I was thinking that he had indeed transitioned to living her life on a more extended basis, though he still continued to serve at the real Katie's beck and call, hence the need to keep 'her' grades up. He may come up with something devilish soon though or perhaps the real Katie will be cunning enough to keep him in check...it could even be the start of a beautiful friendship. Having a twin could be fun after all!

      What do you think should happen?

  3. You know, the "real" Katie should have thought of that. But leave it to a nerd to see the obvious;)

    1. Haha, true. I suppose I tend to think of it as the real Katie did see it, but decided it was below her to stoop to that. The new Katie however slowly becomes corrupted until she becomes naughtier than the real Katie ever would have been!


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