Friday, April 12, 2013

Preparing for Your Date

I actually wrote this one out...maybe almost a year ago, but I just never got around to making a caption out of it, so today I decided to make it happens. I quite like this cap personally, it's only the second cap I've written in the second person voice (I think, the other being Caught in Purple which I wrote a long time ago!). Let me know what you guys think! Do you like second person voice caps?

Transcript: These were the moments that you lived for. Everyone was out of the house and no one was due back for days. You’d waited an hour after the last person had left the house, every minute seeming to take twice as long, just to make sure that no one had forgotten anything. As soon as the hour was up, you’d sprung out of your seat and into action, your whole body trembling with excitement. With three whole days to yourself, you would have plenty of time to transform yourself into Sabrina and savor it too.

Your first order of business was to completely exfoliate your entire body. A special cream could be applied to all but the most sensitive of areas and a good razor easily took care of the rest. Once done, you’d hopped into the shower for a quick wash and to lather yourself in a variety of moisturizers and other bath products, their fragrant scents lingering around you, even after rinsing off. You spread layers of cool moisturizing lotion upon your newly hairless body afterwards, to ensure that it would preserve its soft supple nature.

You’d then sat down at your sister’s vanity table, picked up a small brush, and began with the foundation. You’d wielded your brushes with expert skill, applying blush, eye shadow, and mascara, which helped to hold up your false eyelashes nicely. Retrieving your wig and breast forms from a place that only you knew about, you’d attached the wig to your head and watched as the familiar dark, auburn, locks tumbled down into place. The breast forms came next, the cool glue of your silicone falsies sending shivers down your spine. You cupped the two mounds carefully, being sure to press them firmly against your chest long enough to allow for proper adhesion.

Applying a few puffs of your favorite perfume, you’d stopped for a moment to take in your new feminine scent, the aroma giving you an instant hard on as your fantasies ran wild. Ah yes, you’d almost forgotten about that. Waiting until your naughty little clit had settled down a bit, you’d grasped it firmly and winced as you pulled it hard between your legs as far back as it would go. The bit of discomfort was regrettable, but there was no sense in letting a little pain get in the way of the perfect look. A generous amount of surgical tape was sufficient to secure it in place, ensuring that it would not make any further unexpected appearances; that would’ve been quite undesirable.

Then slipping into your sister’s bedroom, you’d flung wide the closet doors and paused for a moment before strolling into a world of all things feminine. This was when having a shopaholic twin sister paid off. With so many choices and possibilities, you’d been unsure of what to try first. Eventually you’d settled on a colorful summer dress and slipped into it with practiced ease, the stretch of soft clingy cotton giving you pleasurable sensations as the tight dress hugged your body.

As you pause to examine your handiwork, the sound of the doorbell announcing your date’s arrival interrupts your thoughts. Throwing on a pair of flirty platforms, you teeter over towards the door, take in a deep breath and mustering up the most seductively feminine voice you can imagine, open the door and greet your visitor, “Hello Mark, I’m Sabrina. I’ll just be a minute more. Won’t you come in?”

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