Monday, June 24, 2013

A Hard Time

Transcript: Allen had thought it wouldn’t be a problem. Sunbathing nude? It wasn’t his idea of a great time, but it was what his buddy Taylor wanted to do and it wasn’t that unbearable, so he’d agreed. The nude part had also been Taylor’s idea. He’d wanted to avoid getting any tan lines and it shouldn’t have been an issue, he had argued, since they were all guys anyway. Allen had agreed then, but he was beginning to have a real hard time with it now.    

He and Taylor had been best of friends ever since the sixth grade, when he beat up the bullies picking on Taylor for being a sissy. He remembered what he thought about it at the time: so what if Taylor wore his hair a little long or wore girly colored clothes? A lot of guys did that, that didn’t make him a sissy. 

But as the two of them grew older, the differences began to become unmistakable. Whilst other guys began to shave their beards, Taylor began shaving his entire body. Whilst other guys began to develop an interest in sports, cars, and girls, Taylor became fascinated by fashion, clothes, and beauty. And whilst other guys began using aftershave and cologne, Taylor began to use makeup and perfume. Even his physical characteristics became overtly distinguishable. Whilst other guys began to put on muscle, Taylor stayed slender and thin. Whilst other guys had their voices drop, Taylor’s stayed lyrical and high in pitch. And whilst other guys began to develop angular, Olympian physiques, Taylor developed goddess like curves. All throughout however, Allen had remained true and loyal to his friend, never giving him a hard time about it.

As Taylor began to peel off the last of his garments and beckoned for him to join him however, Allen couldn’t help but feel uneasy. Despite the logic of his mind, he could already feel himself embarrassingly beginning to stiffen down below. It didn’t matter what he knew about Taylor, his eyes only saw a girl and a ravishingly gorgeous one at that. He tried to use a towel to cover himself up, but his eight inch tent gave him away. Taylor just smiled as he beckoned him forth again. Allen gritted his teeth and took his place next to Taylor. He may have never given Taylor a hard time, but Taylor was certainly not returning the favor.


  1. Naughty little Taylor is a teasing little minx and no doubt is about to get a VERY HARD time from her friend. One she's been waiting for I'm sure.

    It's rare you see stories from this end of the spectrum, especially one that involves someone's crumbling resolve. A delectable little thing like Taylor is forbidden fruit - a boy too pretty to be male. Yet it's that very beauty that makes her so desirable. How many of us would want to be as pretty as Taylor? How many would tease some stud until he couldn't take it anymore?

    Another wonderful story dear. Your stories always give me a wonderful feeling.

    1. Thanks for the lovely review! It's always great to get so much feedback from someone and your comments are always so well written that they sound like a caption in and of themselves!

      I would most certainly love to be that pretty...especially so I could be a total tease. That's not to say that I wouldn't put out, I'm sure I would for the right guy, but I don't think I'd be able to keep myself from teasing all of them!

  2. hello my name is brandon i have a request for you if you dont mind i was wondering if it would be where i would help someone and thay ould thank me by turning me into a girl if its not to much trouble for you

    1. Hey Brandon, I usually don't do requests as I usually just let my mind and mood guide me, but I'll keep your request in mind. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Taylor's style of teasing is the good kind. Allen will learn to enjoy it;) after all, it is only polite for Taylor to properly thank him for standing for her

    1. Spot on Jodie! I think Allen will come to enjoy Taylor's teasing very much! I know I would!


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