Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Working Her Way to the Top

"I wasn’t hired for my head. I was hired for my ability to give head, though I suppose that does count as a qualification."

Transcript: They say a company shouldn’t hire or reject an applicant based off of something other than their qualifications, but trust me, they do. I mean, look at me. I wasn’t hired for my head. I was hired for my ability to give head, though I suppose that does count as a qualification. Superb oral skills perhaps?

They also say that a respectable woman should never play the sex card just to get what she wants. Well, good thing I’m neither. I’ll admit it wasn’t my proudest moment, posing as an eager-to-please, dirty blonde charmer, in order to land the job, but it worked. It’s remarkable how many more doors will open for a girl with a pretty face than for a man with a stellar resume. So now, every day, my morning routine consists of sliding into my second skin and slipping on my other face to transform myself into Brianna. The initial investment was rather costly, but I’ve more than made up for it since then. I picked a generic model for the body, but I designed the mask based on an old college flame. Looking at myself in the mirror each morning, I’m reminded of why she had every poor boy wrapped around her finger. 

No one suspects a thing, save for old Mrs. Fletcher, who believes that I must be sleeping with someone up top in order to be getting all the promotions and benefits I’ve been handed. It’s actually not that far from the truth, but believe me, I’ve had to earn it, working my ass off, quite literally, for what I’ve received. The others in the office might not think so, but Mr. Wilcox, the Senior Executive Vice President of Sales, undoubtedly believes in my worth to the company. Mr. Wilcox certainly doesn’t suspect a thing, especially since he’s bent me over and fucked my wet faux pussy on his desk on multiple occasions. It’s amazing the level of realism that one can buy these days. Throw in a hot and heavy performance worthy of a Best Actress Oscar along with copious amounts of lubricant and you’ll have no trouble understanding how I got to be where I am now. They can say all they want to, about companies, about women, and about me, but that won’t change the facts. I’m the queen bitch of this office now and I couldn’t be happier.  


  1. I want to live this. Queen bitch indeed.

  2. Good for her! Ambitious girl! Love it when they call themselves "bitches".

    1. Thanks! I usually don't use the term "bitch" too much in my caps, but it seemed appropriate in this context. She's naughty, she's sexy, and she's devious. She's a grade A bitch :)

  3. She certainly is a "dirty blonde".

    Great story to go with the sexy pic!!

    1. Thanks Elise! I suppose she's more of a dirty brunette in actuality...or maybe she's just a really really dirty blonde :P

  4. Sleeping your way to the top isn't nearly as easy as some might think. For one, you don't really sleep much. Second, you ruin a lot of good clothes with office quickies. And last, all those ruined stocking from time on your knees really adds up. Besides, it's a lot of work looking that good AND being good at what and who you do;)

    1. Haha, true! You end up working days and nights! As for the ruined clothes...you could always just not wear any to begin with! :P Saves time too. And I agree, it probably is a lot of work to look that good and be that good, but it's worth it don't you think?

  5. It'd totally be worth it to a "head" in life;)


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