Friday, April 18, 2014

Just Sissy Things

Why don't we see these all over tumblr?

I'm not exactly sure what sort of inspiration originally came to me, but the concept for this caption (which is four short ones collaged together) struck me pretty fast. The hardest part was actually finding the photos I wanted to use for each mini caption.

Now in case you have no idea what this is, I've included a several examples of justgirlythings below (or you can do a Google search of "justgirlythings") to help you begin to understand the concept of this cap.

It's a pretty ubiquitous meme that highlights life moments from a girl's point of view. I decided to make me own...from a sissy/tgirl trap's point of view. You may see some more of these from me in the future. It seems like it could be a pretty fun quick cap! Let me know what you guys think!


  1. I think you co-oped something unique and created an original thing! Very impressive!

  2. Awesome idea Kendall, and you executed it brilliantly. I look forward to seeing more!


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